Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's next?

So we missed last week's game completely. When shall we frag again? :)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Next Friday's Shooting Spree

hey guys,

i will be out of town from wed to sat 21jan afternoon. will have to skip the session. sorry.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

For all ye MACheads...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Great game last night!

hey guys,

great game! super frag fest. and thanks for Mr PR for new maps! boko and icarus l337 rifle skills are super man. must remember that i cannot take you guys headon, you guys are r0xx0rs! learnt a good lesson at the unbreakable glass map. terz, you missed the map with breakable glass, what a laugh when we discovered that we could shoot through the glass! but we ended early at 1130pm, very tired. worked hard last night. icarus and i thinking of REAL fps at orchid cc with paintball. i save up enough cash then we go?

looking forward to next friday. have a good week dudes.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

LOTR l337

(gif file)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

1337 SPR


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This is a LAN partay.

normal_17-12-2005 03_08_04

Maybe we should organise a WW outing overseas to a 500 man LAN. *igh...the powers of imagination and an unlimited budget.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Thoughts on Friday's Game.

OK...Overall a great fragfest. Had tons of fun. Some thoughts.

Everyone's improved.

FW! is a force to be reckoned with PvP. In fact, I'm quite wary of taking him on mano-e-mano. It's testament to his BAR skills which are extraordinary. 70% kill rate vs my tommy gun.

Dusty PSpringfield has improved tremendously and is now racking up the SMG kills as well as the pesky snipe kills.

Icarus is dangerous as always with his l337 MG skillz and was also greatly scary with his gewehr. Impressive.

Overall, I think there's been a marked improvement skill wise with the group since I last played you guys. (And it's not the rust talking...)

Looking forward to the next game.